Vaughan, P.M., Bird, J.P., Bretagnolle, V., Shirihai, H., Tennyson, A.J., Miskelly, C.M. and Clarke, R.H., (2024). A review of records and research actions for the poorly known Vanuatu Petrel Pterodroma [cervicalis] occulta. Bird Conservation International, 34, p.e9.
Sorrell, K. J., Dawlings, F. M., Mackay, C. E., & Clarke, R. H. (2023). Routine and Safe Operation of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems in Areas with High Densities of Flying Birds. Drones, 7(8), 510.
Miller, M., Hemson, G., Du Toit, J., McDougall, A., Miller, P., Mizutani, A., ... & Congdon, B. (2023). Refining seabird marine protected areas by predicting habitat inside foraging range-a case study from the global tropics. Authorea Preprints.
Clark, B. L., Carneiro, A. P., Pearmain, E. J., Rouyer, M. M., Clay, T. A., Cowger, W., ... & Quillfeldt, P. (2023). Global assessment of marine plastic exposure risk for oceanic birds. Nature communications, 14(1), 3665.
Nance, A. H., Mitchell, W. F., Dawlings, F., Cook, C. N., & Clarke, R. H. (2023). Rodent predation and specialised avian habitat requirements drive extinction risk for endemic island songbirds in the south-west Pacific. Emu-Austral Ornithology, 123(3), 217-231.
Dawlings, F. M., Mackay, C., Humphrey, M., Mitchell, W. F., Sorrell, K. J., Sanchez, S., ... & Clarke, R. H. (2023). Portable thermal scanners to detect and monitor small endotherms: A comparative assessment of available equipment to guide practitioners. Ecology and Evolution, 13(7), e10331.
Nance, A. H., Wilson, M., Cook, C. N., & Clarke, R. H. (2023). Monitoring for the presence of invasive arboreal rodents: an assessment of monitoring tools across forest strata. UNDER REVIEW
Ferraguti, M., Magallanes, S., Jiménez‐Peñuela, J., Martínez‐de la Puente, J., Garcia‐Longoria, L., Figuerola, J., ... & Marzal, A. (2023). Environmental, geographical and time‐related impacts on avian malaria infections in native and introduced populations of house sparrows (Passer domesticus), a globally invasive species. Global ecology and biogeography, 32(5), 809-823.
Haslem, A., Maisey, A. C., Clarke, R. H., Stewart, A., Radford, J. Q., & Bennett, A. F. (2023). Quantifying the landscape-scale recovery of bird communities over time in response to on-farm restoration plantings. Biological Conservation, 280, 109987.
Robledo-Ruiz, D. A., Gan, H. M., Kaur, P., Dudchenko, O., Weisz, D., Khan, R., ... & Pavlova, A. (2022). Chromosome-length genome assembly and linkage map of a critically endangered Australian bird: the helmeted honeyeater. GigaScience, 11.
Weinstein, B. G., Garner, L., Saccomanno, V. R., Steinkraus, A., Ortega, A., Brush, K., ... & Ernest, S. M. (2022). A general deep learning model for bird detection in high‐resolution airborne imagery. Ecological Applications, 32(8), e2694.
Viola, B. M., Sorrell, K. J., Clarke, R. H., Corney, S. P., & Vaughan, P. M. (2022). Amateurs can be experts: A new perspective on collaborations with citizen scientists. Biological Conservation, 274, 109739.
Smith, H. G., Bean, D. C., Clarke, R. H., Loyn, R., Larkins, J. A., Hassell, C., & Greenhill, A. R. (2022). Presence and antimicrobial resistance profiles of Escherichia coli, Enterococcus spp. and Salmonella sp. in 12 species of Australian shorebirds and terns. Zoonoses and Public Health, 69(6), 615-624.
Davies, J., Menkhorst, P., Rogers, D., Clarke, R., Marsack, P., & Franklin, K. (2022). The Compact Australian Bird Guide. CSIRO PUBLISHING.
Bennett, A. F., Holland, G. J., Haslem, A., Stewart, A., Radford, J. Q., & Clarke, R. H. (2022). Restoration promotes recovery of woodland birds in agricultural environments: A comparison of ‘revegetation’ and ‘remnant’ landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59(5), 1334-1346.
Nugent, D. T., Baker‐Gabb, D. J., Green, P., Ostendorf, B., Dawlings, F., Clarke, R. H., & Morgan, J. W. (2022). Multi‐scale habitat selection by a cryptic, critically endangered grassland bird—The Plains‐wanderer (Pedionomus torquatus): Implications for habitat management and conservation. Austral Ecology, 47(3), 698-712.
Selwood, K. E., Antos, M., Bramwell, M., Lee, A., Lynch, M., Magrath, M. J., ... & Clarke, R. H. (2022). Emergency conservation interventions during times of crisis: A case study for a threatened bird species in the Australian Black Summer bushfires. Conservation Science and Practice, 4(2), e606.
Mitchell, W. F., & Clarke, R. H. (2022). An evaluation of acoustic field recorders paired with automated call recognition as a monitoring tool for the Mallee Emu-wren 'Stipiturus mallee'. Australian Field Ornithology, 39, 160-166.
Halpin, L. R., Mott, R., Clay, T. A., Humphries, G. R., Chatwin, T. A., Carlile, N., & Clarke, R. H. (2022). Predicting the foraging habitats of sympatrically breeding gadfly petrels in the South Pacific Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 853104.
Mitchell, W. F., Boulton, R. L., Sunnucks, P., & Clarke, R. H. (2022). Are we adequately assessing the demographic impacts of harvesting for wild‐sourced conservation translocations? Conservation Science and Practice, 4(1), e569.
Robledo‐Ruiz, D. A., Pavlova, A., Clarke, R. H., Magrath, M. J., Quin, B., Harrisson, K. A., ... & Sunnucks, P. (2022). A novel framework for evaluating in situ breeding management strategies in endangered populations. Molecular Ecology Resources, 22(1), 239-253.
Halpin, L. R., Terrington, D. I., Jones, H. P., Mott, R., Wong, W. W., Dow, D. C., ... & Clarke, R. H. (2021). Arthropod predation of vertebrates structures trophic dynamics in island ecosystems. The American Naturalist, 198(4), 540-550.
Somaweera, R., Udyawer, V., Guinea, M. L., Ceccarelli, D. M., Clarke, R. H., Glover, M., ... & Webber, B. L. (2021). Pinpointing drivers of extirpation in sea snakes: A synthesis of evidence from Ashmore Reef. Frontiers in Marine science, 8, 658756.
Strain, C., Jones, C. S., Griffiths, S. R., & Clarke, R. H. (2021). Spout hollow nest boxes provide a drier and less stable microclimate than natural hollows. Conservation Science and Practice, 3(6), e416.
Mott, R., Herrod, A., & Clarke, R. H. (2021). Transboundary priorities for protection of frigatebird non-breeding habitat in a heavily impacted region. Global Ecology and Conservation, 27, e01545.
Mitchell, W. F., Boulton, R. L., Ireland, L., Hunt, T. J., Verdon, S. J., Olds, L. G., ... & Clarke, R. H. (2021). Using experimental trials to improve translocation protocols for a cryptic, endangered passerine. Pacific Conservation Biology, 28(1), 68-79.
Clarke, D. A., Palmer, D. J., McGrannachan, C., Burgess, T. I., Chown, S. L., Clarke, R. H., ... & McGeoch, M. A. (2021). Options for reducing uncertainty in impact classification for alien species. Ecosphere, 12(4), e03461.
Garnett, S. T. (2021). The action plan for Australian birds 2020. CSIRO publishing. (multiple chapters)
Smith, H. G., Bean, D. C., Pitchers, W., Valcanis, M., Clarke, R. H., Loyn, R., ... & Greenhill, A. R. (2021). Draft Genome Sequences of Four Citrobacter Isolates Recovered from Wild Australian Shorebirds. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 10(1), 10-1128.
Haslem, A., Clarke, R. H., Holland, G. J., Radford, J. Q., Stewart, A., & Bennett, A. F. (2021). Local management or wider context: What determines the value of farm revegetation plantings for birds? Journal of Applied Ecology, 58(11), 2552-2565.
Halpin, L. R., Ross, J. D., Ramos, R., Mott, R., Carlile, N., Golding, N., ... & Clarke, R. H. (2021). Double‐tagging scores of seabirds reveals that light‐level geolocator accuracy is limited by species idiosyncrasies and equatorial solar profiles. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12(11), 2243-2255.
Ouin, A., Holland, G. J., Tessier, M., Clarke, R. H., & Bennett, A. F. (2022). Do butterfly communities benefit from woodland restoration in rural environments? A landscape perspective from south‐eastern Australia. Restoration Ecology, 30(1), e13478.
Mitchell, W. F., Boulton, R. L., Ireland, L., Hunt, T., Olds, L., Verdon, S., ... & Hedger, C. (2021). Reintroducing the mallee emu-wren to Ngarkat Conservation Park, South Australia. In Global conservation translocation perspectives: 2021: Case studies from around the globe (pp. 137-142). IUCN SSC Conservation Translocation Specialist Group.
Smith, H. G., Bean, D. C., Hawkey, J., Clarke, R. H., Loyn, R., Larkins, J. A., ... & Greenhill, A. R. (2020). Salmonella enterica Serovar Hvittingfoss in bar-tailed godwits (Limosa lapponica) from Roebuck Bay, Northwestern Australia. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 86(19), e01312-20.
Rog, S. M., Clarke, R. H., Minnema, E., & Cook, C. N. (2020). Tackling the tide: A rapid assessment protocol to detect terrestrial vertebrates in mangrove forests. Biodiversity and Conservation, 29(9-10), 2839-2860.
Mott, R., Hodgson, J. C., Herrod, A., & Clarke, R. H. (2020). Nest-site fidelity in Red-tailed Tropicbirds informs costing a localised ant baiting strategy at Ashmore Reef. Emu-Austral Ornithology, 120(3), 269-273.
Somaweera, R., Yeoh, P. B., Jucker, T., Clarke, R. H., & Webber, B. L. (2020). Historical context, current status and management priorities for introduced Asian house geckos at Ashmore Reef, north-western Australia. BioInvasions Records, 9(2), 408-420.
Canessa, S., Taylor, G., Clarke, R. H., Ingwersen, D., Vandersteen, J., & Ewen, J. G. (2020). Risk aversion and uncertainty create a conundrum for planning recovery of a critically endangered species. Conservation Science and Practice, 2(2), e138.
Callen, A., Hayward, M. W., Klop-Toker, K., Allen, B. L., Ballard, G., Beranek, C. T., ... & Wüster, W. (2020). Envisioning the future with ‘compassionate conservation’: An ominous projection for native wildlife and biodiversity. Biological conservation, 241, 108365
Baker, D.J., Garnett, S.T., O’Connor, J., Ehmke, G., Clarke, R.H., Woinarski, J.C.Z. & McGeoch, M.A. (2019) Conserving the abundance of nonthreatened species. Conservation Biology doi:10.1111/cobi.13197
Baker, D.J., Clarke, R.H. & McGeoch. M.A. (2019) The power to detect regional declines in common bird populations using continental monitoring data. Ecological Applications doi:10.1002/eap.1918
Sorrell, K.J. Clarke, R.H., Holmberg, R. and McIntosh, R.R. (2019) Remotely piloted aircraft improve precision of capture-mark-resight population estimates. Ecosphere doi:10.1002/ecs2.2812
Hayward, M.W., Callen, A., Allen, B., Ballard, G.J., Boulton R.B., Clarke, R.H. et al. (2019) Deconstructing compassionate conservation. Conservation Biology doi: 10.1111/cobi.13366
Matcott, J., Baylis, S. & Clarke, R.H. (2019) The Influence of Petroleum Oil Films on the Feather Structure of Tropical and Temperate Seabird Species. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 138, 135-144.
Mitchell, W. and Clarke, R.H. (2019) Using infrared thermography to detect night-roosting birds. Journal of Field Ornithology. 90, 39-51.
Smith, H., Clarke, R.H. Larkins, J., Bean, D.C., and Greenhill, A.R. (2019) Wild Australian birds and drug resistant bacteria: Characterisation of antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp. Emu doi:10.1080/01584197.2019.1591162
Nance, A.H. & Clarke, R.H. (2019) Photographic evidence of a Long-tailed Cuckoo (Eudynamys taitensis) depredating the nest of a Norfolk Island Golden Whistler (Pachycephala pectoralis xanthoprocta). Australian Field Ornithology.
Baylis, S.M, Drynan, D., Clarke, N., Van, M., Sunnucks, P. and Clarke, R.H. (2018) Estimates of wear rates in metal bird bands, with applications for survival and movement models of marked individuals. Journal of Field Ornithology 89, 393-406.
Giljohann K., Kelly, L.T., Connell, J., Clarke, M., Clarke, R.H., Regan, T.R., and McCarthy, M.A. (2018) Assessing sensitivity of biodiversity indices to inform fire management. Journal of Applied Ecology 55, 461-471.
Selwood, K., McGeoch, M., Clarke, R.H. and Mac Nally, R. (2018) High-productivity vegetation is important for lessening bird declines during prolonged drought. Journal of Applied Ecology 55, 641-650.
Baker, D.J., Garnett, S.T., O’Connor, J., Ehmke, G., Clarke, R.H., Woinarski, J.C.Z. & McGeoch, M.A. (2019) Conserving the abundance in non-threatened species. Conservation Biology. Conservation Biology 33(2), 319-328.
Baylis, S. M., Sunnucks, P. and Clarke R.H. (2018) A model for first-estimates of species-specific, age-specific mortality from centralized band-recovery databases. Ecosphere 9(4), e02136.
Stevens, K.P, Harrison, K, Hogan, F.E. Cooke, R. and Clarke, R.H. (2018). Reduced gene flow in a vulnerable species reflects two centuries of habitat loss and fragmentation. Ecosphere 9, e02114.
van Bemmelen R.S.A., Clarke, R.H., Pyle, P. and Camphuysen, K.C.J. (2018) Timing and duration of primary molt in northern hemisphere skuas and jaegers. The Auk 135, 1043-1054.
Mott, R. and Clarke, R.H. (2018). Systematic review of geographic biases in the collection of at-sea distribution data for seabirds. Emu 118, 235-246.
Taylor, G., Ewen, J.E., Clarke, R.H., Blackburn, T.M., Johnson, G. and Ingwersen, D. (2018). Video monitoring reveals novel threat to Critically Endangered captive-bred and released Regent Honeyeaters. Emu 118(3), 304-310.
Donnelly, D.M., Ensor, P., Gill, P., Clarke, R.H., Evans, K., Double, M.C., Webster, T., Rayment, W. and Schmitt, N.T. (2018) New diagnostic descriptions and distribution information for Shepherd’s Beaked Whale (Tasmacetus shepherdi) off southern Australia and New Zealand. Marine Mammal Science 34(3), 829-840.
Taylor, G., Canessa, S., Clarke, R.H., Ingwersen, D., Armstrong, D.P., Seddon, P.J. & Ewen, J.E. (2017). Is reintroduction biology an effective applied science? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 32, 873-880.
Menkhorst, P., Rogers, D., Clarke, R.H., Davies, D., Marsack, P. and Franklin, K. (2017) The Australian Bird Guide. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.
Rog, S., Clarke, R.H. and Cook, C. (2017). More than marine: revealing the critical importance of mangrove ecosystems for terrestrial vertebrates. Diversity and Distributions 23, 221–230.
Connell, J., Watson, S.J., Taylor, R.S., Avitabile, S.C., Clarke, R.H., Bennett, A.F., and Clarke, M.F. (2017). Testing the effects of a century of fires: Requirements for post-fire succession predict the distribution of threatened bird species. Diversity and Distributions 23, 1078–1089.
Mott, R., Herrod, A. and Clarke, R.H. (2017) Post-breeding dispersal of frigatebirds increases their exposure to mercury. Marine Pollution Bulletin 119, 204-210.
Mott, R., Herrod, A. and Clarke, R.H. (2017) Resource partitioning between species and sexes in Great Frigatebirds and Lesser Frigatebirds. The Auk 134, 153–167.
Clarke R.H., Gales, R. and Schultz, M. (2017) Land-based observations of cetaceans off subantarctic Macquarie Island. Australian Mammalogy 39, 248-253.
Clarke, R.H., Swann, G., Carter, M.J., Mott, R.M. and Herrod, A. (2017) The Avifauna of Cartier Island Commonwealth Marine Reserve, north-western Australia. Australian Field Ornithology 34, 18-25.
McGowan, J., Smith, R.J., Di Marco, M., Clarke, R.H., and Possingham, H.P. (2017) An evaluation of Marine Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas in the context of spatial conservation prioritization. Conservation Letters 11(3), e12399.
Baker, C.M, Hodgson, J. Tartaglia, E. and Clarke, R.H. (2017) Modelling tropical fire ant (Solenopsis geminata) dynamics and detection to inform an eradication project. Biological Invasions 19, 2959–2970.
Minton, C., Hassell, C., Clarke, R.H. and Jackett. N. (2017) White-headed Stilt (Himantopus leucocephalus) now an international migratory wader? The Stilt 71, 51-53.
Hodgson, J., Baylis, S.M., Mott, R.M., Herrod, A. and Clarke, R.H. (2016) Precision wildlife monitoring using unmanned aerial vehicles. Scientific Reports 6, e22547.
Selwood, K., Clarke, R.H., McGeoch, M. and Mac Nally, R. (2016) Green Tongues into the Arid Zone: River Floodplains Extend the Distribution of Terrestrial Bird Species. Ecosystems 20(4), 745-756.
Woodland, R.J., Warry, F.Y., Evrard, V., Clarke, R.H., Reich, P. and Cook, P.L.M. (2016) Trophic position distributions of primary and tertiary consumers differ from secondary consumers. Oikos 125, 556–565.
Mott, R., Herrod, A. and Clarke, R.H. (2016) Interpopulation resource partitioning of Lesser Frigatebirds and the influence of environmental context. Ecology and Evolution, 6, 8583–8594.
Stevens, K.P, Harrison, K, Clarke, R.H., Cooke, R., Hogan, F.E. (2016) Genetic structure and sex-biased dispersal of a declining cooperative-breeder, the Grey-crowned Babbler, Pomatostomus temporalis, at the southern edge of its range. Emu 116, 323-332.
Clarke, R.H., Carter, M.J., Swann, G. and Herrod, A. (2016) A record of the Siberian Blue Robin Larvivora cyane at Ashmore Reef off north-western Australia, April 2012. Australian Field Ornithology 33, 41-43.
Selwood, K., Clarke, R.H., Cunningham, S.C., Lada, H., McGeoch, M. and Mac Nally, R. (2015) A bust but no boom: Responses of floodplain bird assemblages during and after prolonged drought. Journal of Animal Ecology 84: 1700-1710.
Selwood, K., Thomson, J.R., Clarke, R.H., McGeoch, M. and Mac Nally, R. (2015) Resistance and resilience of terrestrial birds in drying climates: do floodplains provide drought refugia? Global Ecology and Biogeography 24, 838–848.
Bennett, J.M., Clarke, R.H., Thomson, J.R. & Mac Nally R., (2015) Fragmentation, vegetation change and irruptive competitors affect recruitment of woodland birds. Ecography 38: 163-172.
Stevens, K.P., Holland, G.J., Clarke, R.H., Cooke, R., Bennett, A.F. (2015) What determines habitat quality for a declining woodland bird in a fragmented environment: the grey-crowned babbler Pomatostomus temporalis in south-eastern Australia? PLoS ONE 10(6): e0130738.
Bennett, J.M., Clarke, R.H., Horrocks, G.F.B., Thomson, J.R. and Mac Nally, R. (2015) Climate drying amplifies the effects of fragmentation and interspecific interactions on birds. Landscape Ecology 30: 2031-2043.
Davies, T.E., Clarke, R.H., Ewen, J.E., Fazey, I.R.A., Pettorelli, N., Cresswell, W. (2015) Impacts of land use change on endemic avifauna on Makira, Solomon Islands: endemics avoid monoculture. Emu 115: 199–213.
Mott, R.M., Herrod, A., Hodgson, J.C. and Clarke, R.H. (2015). An Evaluation of the Use of Predicted Harness Spans for Correctly Fitting Leg-Loop Harnesses in Seabird Research. Waterbirds 38: 420–424.
Bennett, J.M., Nimmo D.G., Clarke, R.H., Thomson, J.R., Cheers, G., Horrocks, G.F.B., Hall, M, Radford, J.Q., Bennett, A.F. & Mac Nally, R. (2014) Resistance and resilience: Can the abrupt end of extreme drought reverse avifaunal collapse? Diversity and Distributions 20(11), 1321-1332.
Lavers, J.L., Miller, G.R., Carter, M.J., Swann, G. and Clarke, R.H. (2014) Predicting the spatial distribution of a seabird community in the Timor Sea. Conservation Biology 28(6), 1699-1709.
Bennett, J.M., Clarke, R.H., Thomson, J.R. & Mac Nally R. (2014) Variation in abundance of nectarivorous birds: Does a competitive despot interfere with flower-tracking? Journal of Animal Ecology 83(6), 1531-1541.
Bennett, J.M., Clarke, R.H., Thomson, J.R. & Mac Nally R., (2014) Fragmentation, vegetation change and irruptive competitors affect recruitment of woodland birds. Ecography 38(2), 163-171.
Mac Nally, R., Nerenberg, S., Thomson, J.R., Lada, H. and Clarke, R.H. (2014) Do frogs bounce, and if so, by how much? Responses to the ‘Big Wet’ following the ‘Big Dry’ in southeastern Australia. Global Ecology and Biogeography 23: 223-234.
Herrod, A., King, M., Ingwersen, D. and Clarke, R.H. (2014) Tracking devices attached with harnesses influence behaviour but not body mass of Princess Parrots Polytelis alexandrae. Journal of Ornithology. Published online 6 Dec 2013.
Pavey, C.R., Nano, C.E.M., Cole, J.R., Hodgens, P., McDonald, P.J., Nunn, P., Silcocks, A. and Clarke, R.H. (2014) The breeding and foraging ecology and abundance of the Princess Parrot, Polytelis alexandrae, during a population irruption. Emu 114: 106-115.
Lavers, J.L., Herrod, A. & Clarke, R.H. (2014) Predation of Greater Crested Tern eggs by juvenile Brown Boobies on Ashmore Reef. Waterbirds, 37: 215-219.
Bennett, J.M., Cunningham, S.C., Clarke, R.H., Connelly, C.A., Thomson, J.R. and Mac Nally, R. (2013) The interaction between a drying climate and land use affects forest structure and above-ground carbon storage. Global Ecology and Biogeography 22: 1238–1247.
Lavers, J.L., Hodgson, J. and Clarke, R.H. (2013) Prevalence and composition of marine debris in Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster) nests on Ashmore Reef. Marine Pollution Bulletin 77: 320–324.
Ryan, P.G., Rose, B., Carter, M. and Clarke, R.H. (2013) A review of Jouanin’s Petrel records in the eastern Indian Ocean. Ostrich 84: 161–164.
Brown, S.M., Harrisson, K.A., Clarke, R.H., Bennett, A.F. and Sunnucks, P. (2013) Limited Population Structure, Genetic Drift and Bottlenecks Characterise an Endangered Bird Species in a Dynamic, Fire-Prone Ecosystem. PLoS ONE 8(4):e59732.
Clarke, R.H. and Ewen, J.E. (2013) Red-capped (or Papuan) Flowerpecker (Dicaeum geelvinkianum) calls Australia home. Australian Field Ornithology 30: 57-66.